LUMAE - EVO X - LILAC - Jasper - No Brow
LUMAE - Legacy - LILAC - Toned


I want to pay this tribute to a wonderful woman (ZIBSKA), she is a great artist, full of creativity and good taste, she is my inspiration, everything she creates makes your imagination fly, thanks to her they give you the strength to continue doing good photos, I can only say... Zibska, thank you for everything, you are pure magic.

Zibska Verena Blush in 7 colours in 3 intensities.
Zibska Beira Lips in 15 colours in 2 intensities
Zibska Beira Makeup in 15 colours in 2 intensities + base colours in 3 intensities

I have taken the license to create this headpiece using pieces from Zibska's Astara headpiece.


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